Reasons to Join the Portland Chapter

Here are a few reasons why you should join:

  • Strength is in numbers, and when we stand together we can get much more accomplished to benefit our brave service members and to take care of our members who have served.
  • Our chapter helps support retired veterans at their home in The Dalles and Lebanon.
  • We support our courageous soldiers of the Oregon National Guard who are deployed on operations outside the state and overseas.
  • We help keep the military in front of area young people and the public and tout the benefits of serving our country.
  • We participated in the fight to keep the Oregon ANG 142nd Fighter Wing in Portland, which was successful.
  • Earlier, we fought Oregon’s unfair taxation of military retirees (and other federal retirees) who were being taxed on their retirement income when other retirees were not. Our Portland Chapter joined with other groups to fight this, taking it to the state Supreme Court. We won, and today you may benefit from that if you’re retired. If you’re not retired yet, you could benefit from it when you do. Retirees are taxed on the amount of their retired pay earned after 1 October 1991.
  • We participate statewide in activities sponsored by the MOAA State Council of Chapters and the United Veterans’ Groups of Oregon to tackle state legislative issues affecting you and other veterans around Oregon. Your membership in the Portland Chapter supports these worthwhile efforts.
  • We also have an active Surviving Spouse group, headed by Mrs. Jean Hillman. If you are interested in the Surviving Spouse group and would like to become involved, please contact Mrs. Hillman at 503-692-5571 or for further information.
Click on the Membership menu link above for the Membership Application that you may fill-out and return to us by mail.

Other Reasons:

  • Strength is in numbers to get more accomplished and take care of our members who have served.
  • Our chapter helps support retired veterans at their home in The Dalles & Lebanon.
  • We support our soldiers of the Oregon National Guard who are deployed on operations.
  • Earlier, we fought Oregon’s unfair taxation of military retirees (and other federal retirees) who were being taxed on their retirement income when other retirees were not.

Contact Information

  • Don't hesitate to give us a call or send us a contact form message
  • Col. Mary Mayer, MOAA Portland Chapter, P.O. Box 18206, Portland, OR. 97213
  • 310-897-1902